At Ohtomi Shrine in Okawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture, a spring Shinko-sai (divine procession) called “Yaya Gion” is held every year. This festival, which depicts the triumphant return of Ki-Umaro, is designated as an intangible folk cultural property of Fukuoka Prefecture.

During the festival, boat floats, yamahoko (floats with a long pole in the center), and dance floats parade through the town. On the evening of the 30th, floats arrive one after another at the Sumiyoshi Otabisho (temporary shrine), reaching the climax of the festival. The sight of the floats entering the Otabisho is valiant, making viewers feel the power of the festival.

Access Information

Dates: April 29 to May 1, 2023; times vary by town May change depending on the situation.
Location: 256 Shiromaru, Buzen City, Fukuoka Prefecture 828-0011
Organizer: Ohtomi Shrine
Contact: Buzen City Lifelong Learning Division 0979-82-1111
Related Website:
Access: Take the Buzen City bus from Ushima Station on the Nippo Main Line, and get off at “Ohtomi Jinja Mae”.