The “Uto Jizo Festival,” which revolves around the “Six Jizo Statues” at Enno-ji Temple in Honmachi, Uto City, is one of the three major summer festivals in Higo. It is said to have been started by the second lord of the Uto domain, Lord Yukitaka Hosokawa, to protect children from epidemics.
Held annually on August 23rd and 24th, handmade Jizo statues by children are enshrined along the streets. As the sun begins to set, the sounds of children’s songs and gongs resonate, creating an ethereal atmosphere. “Tzukuri-mon” (artistic creations) made by local volunteers are also displayed, presenting an enigmatic scene at night.
From 6:00 PM on both days, the main street of Uto City becomes a pedestrian paradise, attracting many visitors. Along with the Yamaga Lantern Festival and the Kawashiri Spirit Boat Procession, it is one of the most prominent summer traditions in Kumamoto.
Access Information
Address: Entire Uto City Area
Phone Number: 0964-22-1111