“Tsukiyomi Shrine,” located in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, has long been worshiped as the god of the eyes and the god of good fortune. The grand “Sanya-sama (Tsukiyomi Shrine Grand Festival)” is held every year from January 23rd to 25th.
Highlights of Sanya-sama
- Prayers for Good Fortune, Protection from Evil, and Safe Childbirth! Tsukiyomi no Mikoto, the enshrined deity of Tsukiyomi Shrine, is worshiped not only as the god of the eyes, but also as the god of good fortune and the god of protection from evil because he has the power to foresee the future. In addition, it is said to have various benefits such as safe childbirth, maritime safety, bountiful harvests, and good catches.
- Lively Atmosphere with Many Food Stalls! During the Sanya-sama period, many food stalls are lined up in the precincts and on the approach to the shrine. Various products, including potted plants and saplings, are sold, and it is bustling with many people.
- Many Other Highlights! There are many highlights at Tsukiyomi Shrine, such as the “Tsukiyomi Falls” located within the precincts and the sacred tree said to be over 300 years old.
Sanya-sama (Tsukiyomi Shrine Grand Festival) Basic Information
Item | Content |
Duration | Thursday, January 23 to Saturday, January 25, 2025 |
Time | 9:00 AM – |
Venue | Tsukiyomi Shrine (1139 Masuda, Tanushimaru Town, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture) |
Access | About a 15-minute walk from JR Tanushimaru Station |
Parking | Available |
Contact | Tsukiyomi Shrine (Tel: 0943-72-2047) |
Why not pray for good fortune at the “Sanya-sama” of the “Tsukiyomi Shrine” in Kurume City?