Takasu Kagura is a traditional Kagura that began in the Sengoku period and is dedicated every year in April at Takasu Shrine in Itoshima City, Fukuoka Prefecture.
This Kagura is composed of 12 parts in two forms: “Mai Kagura,” in which Kagura songs are sung while dancing quietly, and “Men Kagura,” in which Kagura performers wearing masks perform mythological tales.
The Kagura has a unique performance of offering objects without wearing masks, and this tradition has been passed down since the Edo period.
Currently, it is dedicated by a dozen or so parishioner Kagura performers and attracts not only locals but also many tourists. Takasu Kagura, one of the most famous festivals held in Fukuoka Prefecture, is also designated as a national Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property.
Access Information
Address: 1578 Takasu, Itoshima City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Contact: 092-322-7133
Date: Sunday of the 4th week of April, from around 1:00 PM
- Take the bus (Kawahara Line) from Shuzenji Station (JR Chikuhi Line), get off at the “Takasu” bus stop, and walk for approximately 12 minutes.
- [When coming by car]
From the Fukuoka area: Get off at the Imajuku Interchange on the Nishikyushu Expressway and drive for approximately 20 minutes.