“Keishu-en” is a Japanese garden created by the world-renowned landscape architect, Kinsaku Nakane. With a tea field and Mount Mifune in the background, the dynamic rock formations and flowing waterfall harmonize beautifully, and in spring, colorful azaleas add to the vibrant scenery.

The best time to see the flowers is from mid-April to early May, and many tourists visit during this period. Keishu-en is located in Minami-ku, Fukuoka City, and there is a tea room within its spacious grounds.

When you visit, please enjoy the beautiful scenery that changes with each season.

Access Information

Phone: 0954-20-1187
Address: 4075-3 Takeo-cho, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture
Business Hours: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Closed: Operating hours and days may vary during the garden’s peak season.
Admission Fee: Adults 600 yen, High school and university students 500 yen
Access: 10 minutes by car from the Takeo-Kitagata IC on the Nagasaki Expressway
Parking: 30 spaces