Every year on January 7th, a courageous fire festival is held at Karatsu Tenmangu Shrine in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture. This festival, called “Onja Onja” or “Onisube,” is a traditional event where firefighters dressed in fire-fighting attire carry torches through the city, driving away evil spirits. The powerful spectacle overwhelms all who see it.

What is Onja Onja?

Accompanied by the shouts of “Onja Onja (Devils out, devils out!)”, 1-meter-long torches lit with sacred fire and massive 10-meter-long torches rush through the town. While skillfully manipulating these blazing torches, the firefighters drive the evil spirits towards the grounds of Karatsu Tenmangu Shrine.

Within the shrine grounds, New Year’s decorations such as kadomatsu (pine and bamboo decorations) and shimenawa (sacred straw ropes) are piled up and burned along with the torches. This ritual embodies a prayer for good health and protection from illness throughout the year. The climax of the festival is the moment when the large torch is erected vertically. This magnificent scene engulfs the viewers in a whirlwind of emotion and excitement.

Highlights of Onja Onja

  • Firefighters in fire-fighting attire: The sight of firefighters dressed in traditional fire-fighting attire carrying torches and running through the streets is a truly heroic sight.
  • Blazing torches: The scene of the 10-meter-long torch scorching the night sky is breathtaking.
  • Climax: The moment the large torch is erected vertically is the highlight of the festival!
  • Prayer for good health: Burning the New Year’s decorations is a prayer for good health and protection from illness throughout the year.

Basic Information about Onja Onja

DateJanuary 7th
LocationKaratsu Tenmangu Shrine (6-1 Minamijonai, Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture)
AccessApproximately a 15-minute walk from JR Karatsu Station
Phone Number0955-72-7130 (Karatsu Tenmangu Shrine)


“Onja Onja” is a festival representing winter in Karatsu, enveloped in a whirlwind of fire and enthusiasm. We encourage you to witness this powerful and traditional event with your own eyes.