The former Tojima Family Residence in Yanagawa City is a thatched-roof building constructed during the Kansei era, featuring design elements that reflect the literary tastes of the late Edo period. The building is situated alongside a nationally designated scenic garden, creating a tasteful space. The garden has a pond that draws water from the canal. The building was originally built as a retirement residence for a Yanagawa Domain samurai but was later presented to the domain lord.
During the Meiji era, it was requisitioned as a training facility for the domain’s soldiers and was later used mainly as a residence. Now, it was designated as a cultural property in 1957, and the garden was designated as a National Scenic Spot in 1978. In 2001, the building was donated to Yanagawa City, and after undergoing dismantling and repairs, it was opened to the public.
As a typical example of a samurai residence in the Yanagawa region, it is a place we would like history and culture enthusiasts to visit.
Access Information
Business Hours: Open to the public: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM; Closed: Tuesdays (The next day if Tuesday is a public holiday); Closed: New Year holidays
Location: 49-3 Kido-machi, Yanagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture 832-0067, Phone: 0944-73-9587
Access: (1) 15 minutes by bus from Nishitetsu Yanagawa Station, then a 3-minute walk