“Kora Taisha Shrine,” located on Mount Kora in Kurume City, is one of the largest shrine structures in Kyushu, built in the Gongen-zukuri style in the early Edo period.
Approximately 200 “Kurume azalea” plants, with their simple and charming flowers, are planted on the cliff face on the south side behind the main shrine building. In the spring, they dye the shrine grounds a crimson red. Located at the westernmost end of the Muno mountain range, you can also enjoy a panoramic view of Kurume City and the surrounding scenery from Mount Kora, which stands at an elevation of 312 meters.
Please be sure to visit when you are in Kurume City.
Access Information
Business Hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Admission: Free
Closed: Open year-round
Address: 1 Mii-machi, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Parking: Available (Free: 50 spaces)
Contact: 0942-43-4893