“Kuroiwa Inari Shrine,” located in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is a historic shrine with a legend that Jizen-ni, a member of the Taira clan who was defeated in the Battle of Dan-no-ura, lived in hiding. The “Hatsuuma Festival” is held in great splendor every year on the first Uma (horse) day of February.
Highlights of the Hatsuuma Festival
- Pray for a Bountiful Harvest and Business Prosperity! The Inari god is worshiped as the god of various occupations such as farmers, merchants, and fishermen. At the Hatsuuma Festival, Shinto rituals are held to pray for a bountiful harvest, business prosperity, and family safety.
- Dedication of a 100-Person Scale Hyottoko Dance! The biggest highlight of the Hatsuuma Festival is the Hyottoko Dance performed on a scale of 100 people! The humorous dance further enlivens the festival.
- Amulets, Talismans, and Zenzai Are Also Sold! Amulets and talismans limited to the Hatsuuma Festival are sold. Also, Zenzai (sweet red bean soup with mochi) will be served, so please be sure to try it.
- Special Goshuin Granted! On the day of the Hatsuuma Festival, pre-written and handwritten goshuin (temple seal) are granted. Handwritten goshuin are available from 8:00 AM to around 2:00 PM.
Kuroiwa Inari Shrine Hatsuuma Festival Basic Information
Item | Content |
Date | Thursday, February 6, 2025 |
Time | 10:00 AM (Shinto Rituals), 11:00 AM (Hyottoko Dance Dedication) |
Venue | Kuroiwa Inari Shrine (1791 Misawa, Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture) |
Access | About a 30-minute walk from Nishitetsu Omuta Line “Misawa Station,” about a 30-minute walk from JR Kiyama Station |
Parking | Available |
Contact | Ogori City Tourism Association (Tel: 0942-72-4008) |
Let’s participate in the Hatsuuma Festival at the historic Kuroiwa Inari Shrine and receive good fortune!