Kōzan-ji Temple, known as the historical site where Shinsaku Takasugi raised the banner of the Meiji Restoration at the end of the Edo period, is designated as a National Treasure. The maple trees growing within the temple grounds, from the main gate to the mountain gate, are incredibly large, and the contrast with the Buddha Hall is a must-see. Every year, many tourists visit to see the beautiful garden and autumn leaves.

Facility Name: Kōzan-ji Temple
Typical Viewing Period: Late November to early December
Address: 1-2-3 Chofu Kawabata, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Types of Trees with Autumn Colors: Maple
Fee: Free to view. However, there is a fee to view the Shoin.

Address: 1-2-3 Chofu Kawabata, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Transportation Access:
* Train: Approximately 23 minutes by bus from JR Shimonoseki Station, or 10 minutes by bus bound for Shimonoseki Station from JR Chofu Station. Get off at Chofu Jokamachi and walk for 10 minutes.
Parking: Free
Inquiries: 083-245-0258 Kōzan-ji Temple HP Official Website