Kokura Illumination is a winter event held around Kokura Station and the Murasaki River waterfront in Kitakyushu City. The town of Kokura is colored with rainbow-colored lights.

There are two main areas for Kokura Illumination. One is the area around the Murasaki River, where Ougai Bridge and the KOKURA monument are located. Here, rainbow-colored illuminations symbolizing a bright future are displayed based on the concept of “Hope, Let’s Illuminate Tomorrow.” A tunnel imitating a rainbow arch is installed at Ougai Bridge, and a star gate will also make its debut. The KOKURA monument also transforms into a vivid rainbow color, and cute flowers are placed around it. The Murasaki River waterfront is also decorated with colorful illuminations on the grass, giving the scenery definition.

The other is the area around Kokura Station, where Riverwalk Kitakyushu and Izutsuya are located. Here, a market called “Kokura Atta Marche” is held. Various goods and food and drink are sold under four themes: New Kitakyushu Culture, Emotion, Bread & Coffee Marche, and Christmas Market. Also, various events are held throughout the town during the “Christmas 10Days” from December 16 to December 25.

Kokura Illumination is participating in “Green Power Christmas,” which uses natural energy to create environmentally friendly illuminations. “Eco,” which is enjoying the lights of the city after turning off lights, is also one of the themes.

Kokura Illumination not only shows a beautiful sight shining in the winter night sky but also contributes to community revitalization and environmental protection. Be sure to visit Kokura on this occasion.

Access Information

Dates: Usually from early November to mid-February
Venues: The entire Kokura city center, the area around the Murasaki River (Riverwalk Kitakyushu ~ Ougai Bridge ~ Izutsuya Crossroad ~ Murasaki Es ~ Katsuyama Bridge), etc.
Contact: Kokura Illumination Executive Committee 093-541-0191
Website: http://kokura-illumination.jp