Katsumori Park, located in the center of Iizuka City, is a historic park that is beloved by local residents. The park is filled with cherry blossoms and azaleas, and it is bustling with flower viewers in the spring.
The former Katsumori Park was established in 1921, starting as a park of 4896 tsubo (approximately 16,182 square meters) with walking paths and planted greenery.
You can also see many waterfowl, including swans, black swans, ducks, mallards, and geese in the park’s pond.
Katsumori Park is a popular spot for both locals and tourists.
Access Information
Address: 1-7 Katashima, Iizuka City
Parking: Available (Free: 87 spaces)
Contact: 0948-22-5500 (Urban Development Department, Urban Planning Division, Parks and Greenery Section)