At Futsukaichi Hachimangu Shrine in Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture, the annual “Onna Mikoshi” (women’s mikoshi) is showcased in April.

As the name suggests, it is a mikoshi (portable shrine) carried by women and is showcased at the spring grand festival of Futsukaichi Hachimangu Shrine. Unlike the mikoshi carried by men, the women carry it gently and gracefully.

The sight of them parading through the town in matching red happi coats is full of energy and soothes the people who are watching. By all means, experience the beautiful appearance of the women in this region and their powerful carrying skills.

Access Information

Address: 3-6-35 Futsukaichi Chuo, Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Contact: 092-922-3301
Date: Predicted to be early April 2023