The “Omuta ‘Daijayama’ Festival,” held annually in July in Omuta City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is a powerful summer festival where giant snakes parade through the city. With a history of more than 300 years, it is a summer tradition in Omuta and is very popular not only with locals but also with tourists.

History and Origin of the Daijayama Festival

The origin of the Daijayama Festival dates back to the mid-Edo period. At that time, Omuta, which had prospered as a coal mining town, was often plagued by floods and epidemics. Therefore, the worship of water gods and the Gion worship were combined, and it is said that the festival began with the creation of floats in the shape of dragons and snakes, which are incarnations of water gods, and parading them through the town to pray for the elimination of floods and epidemics.


  • Daijayama Parade: Giant Daijayama floats, about 10 meters in length and 3 tons in weight, created in each district, parade through the city. The sight of the snake spitting sparks from its mouth and moving its head as it advances is overwhelming. During the “Night Parade” held at night, the illuminated Daijayama creates a fantastic atmosphere.
  • Daijayama Competition: Daijayama floats from each district gather and compete with their performances. The powerful competition is a must-see.
  • Ten Thousand People’s General Dance: In the citizen-participatory general dance, people of all ages and genders become one and dance through the city center with the Daijayama at the front. You can also join in the dance, so let’s dance together!
  • Fireworks Display: A fireworks display is also held during the festival period. The fireworks that color the night sky brilliantly decorate the finale of the festival.
  • Other: There are various other events such as the Daijayama exhibition, stage events, and food stalls.

Event Information

DurationSaturday, July 20 to Sunday, July 28, 2024
VenueOtaisho-cho, Omuta City, Fukuoka Prefecture, 2-chome and other locations, Taisho-cho Festival Plaza
AccessAbout a 5-minute walk from JR Kagoshima Main Line / Nishitetsu Tenjin Omuta Line “Omuta Station”
Phone Number0944-41-2750 (Omuta “Daijayama” Festival Promotion Association Secretariat (Omuta City Tourism Hospitality Division))


  • July 20 (Sat), 21 (Sun): Port Festival
  • July 23 (Tue): Eve Festival (Fireworks Display)
  • July 24 (Wed): Gion Festival
  • July 25 (Thu): Children’s Yamakasa
  • July 26 (Fri): Daijayama Competition
  • July 27 (Sat): Daijayama Parade, Ten Thousand People’s General Dance
  • July 28 (Sun): Daijayama Parade


The Omuta “Daijayama” Festival is a powerful summer festival where history and tradition live on. Please visit Omuta and experience this exciting festival!


  • There is parking available around the venue, but it is expected to be very crowded, so we recommend using public transportation.
  • Please be careful as sparks may fly during the Daijayama parade.
  • Various events will be held throughout the city during the festival period.