Sakurai Kotai Jingu Shrine, located in Itoshima City, Fukuoka Prefecture. This is a historic shrine that enshrines Amaterasu Omikami as its main enshrined deity, just like the Ise Grand Shrine. The quiet precincts surrounded by a lush forest are filled with a sacred atmosphere, which heals the hearts of visitors.

Highlights of Sakurai Kotai Jingu Shrine

  • Enshrining Amaterasu Omikami: It enshrines Amaterasu Omikami, the supreme ancestral deity of Japan, as its main enshrined deity. Like the Ise Grand Shrine, it is also revered as the ancestral god of the Imperial Family.
  • 800-Year-Old Great Camphor Tree: Within the precincts, the sacred tree “Great Camphor Tree,” which is said to be over 800 years old, stands tall. Its overwhelming presence invites viewers into a mystical world.
  • Rich Nature: The shrine is surrounded by a lush green forest. You can worship peacefully while feeling the nature of each season.
  • Mystical Atmosphere: The quiet precincts are enveloped in a sacred atmosphere. It is the perfect place to forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life and purify your mind.

Basic Information about Sakurai Kotai Jingu Shrine

NameSakurai Kotai Jingu Shrine
Address5493 Sakurai, Itoshima City, Fukuoka Prefecture 819-1132
AccessAbout 10 minutes by taxi from JR Chikuhi Line Chikuzen-Maebaru Station

How to Enjoy Sakurai Kotai Jingu Shrine

  • Power Spot Pilgrimage: Sakurai Kotai Jingu Shrine is also known as a power spot. You can feel the power of nature by touching the Great Camphor Tree, which is the sacred tree, or by strolling through the precincts.
  • Photography: The lush green precincts are also ideal for photography. In particular, you can take fantastic photos during the time when sunlight filters through the trees.


Sakurai Kotai Jingu Shrine is a historic shrine that enshrines Amaterasu Omikami and is a power spot rich in nature. When sightseeing in Itoshima, please visit and feel its sacred atmosphere and the power of nature.