Every year on December 2nd, Oyamazumi Shrine in Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture, holds a unique and rare festival called the “Oshiroi Festival.” In this festival, participants apply “oshiroi” (white face powder), made by dissolving new rice powder in water, on their faces to thank the gods for the prosperity of the shrine parishioners and the bountiful harvest of new crops, and to pray for a bountiful harvest of five grains next year.

Predicting Next Year’s Harvest with the Amount of Oshiroi

The most distinctive feature of this “Oshiroi Festival” is that the harvest for the next year is predicted based on how well the oshiroi sticks to the face. It is said that a year in which the oshiroi sticks well to the face will be a year of good harvest, while a year in which it does not stick well will be a year of poor harvest. For this reason, participants apply the oshiroi to their faces with serious expressions.

A Traditional Event Rooted in the Region

Oyamazumi Shrine is a shrine that has long been worshipped by local people, and the “Oshiroi Festival” is a unique traditional event of the region that was born in its history. On the day of the festival, many people visit not only from the local community but also from afar, and the shrine is bustling with activity.

Basic Information of Oyamazumi Shrine

Address838-1503 Fukuoka Prefecture, Asakura City, Haki Oyama
Phone Number0946-62-0730 (Roadside Station “Harazuru” Information Center)
AccessAbout 15 minutes by car from Oita Expressway “Haki IC”
DateEvery year on December 2nd


The “Oshiroi Festival” at Oyamazumi Shrine is a valuable festival that conveys the form of ancient Japanese beliefs praying for a bountiful harvest. Its unique customs will deeply impress those who visit.