Arahito Shrine, located in Nakagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is known as the “God of Career Success” that brings benefits for business prosperity and job hunting. It is the oldest of the shrines that enshrine the Sumiyoshi Three Gods, and it has been attracting the faith of people for about 1800 years.

The Charm of Arahito Shrine

  • Benefits for Improving Career Success: It is said that the Sumiyoshi Three Gods have various benefits such as maritime safety, business prosperity, and family safety. In particular, it is famous for its benefits for improving career and financial success, and many businessmen and job seekers visit for worship.
  • Shrine Associated with Empress Jingu: About 1800 years ago, it is said that when Empress Jingu was on her expedition to the Three Hans, the Sumiyoshi Three Gods calmed the raging waves of the Genkai Sea and protected the Empress. After returning home, the Empress enshrined the Sumiyoshi Three Gods as Arahito Gami (gods who appear in human form), and that became the origin of Arahito Shrine.
  • Precincts That Make You Feel the History: In the precincts, there is a granite torii gate with a height of 5.15m and a column span of 4.2m, which is designated as a town cultural property. In addition, it has a deep relationship with the Sakuta no Unade (Sakuta Canal), which is said to have been dug by Empress Jingu, and it is a spot that makes you feel the history.
  • Powerful Miyabi Festival: The Miyabi Festival (Okunchi) held every year on the third Sunday of October is a grand festival. It is full of highlights such as children’s dedicatory sumo wrestling and yabusame (horseback archery)! It is bustling with many spectators.

Basic Information

NameArahito Shrine
Address3-6-20 Naka, Nakagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Phone Number092-952-2152
Business HoursFree to visit
AccessGet off at the Community Bus “Kawasemi” at Mirika Karoden Nakagawa or Arahito Shrine

Nearby Information

  • Sakuta Canal: A waterway said to have been dug by Empress Jingu.
  • Nakagawa City Historical Museum: You can learn about the history and culture of Nakagawa City.
  • Minamihata Dam: A dam lake rich in nature where you can enjoy camping and fishing.


Arahito Shrine is recommended not only for those who seek the benefits of improving their career success but also for history buffs. Please come and feel its power and history.