Tsubame-no-Mori Illumination “Night Stroll in the Garden of Light”: Encountering Animals in a Fantastical Garden of Light
A Place of Relaxation for Fukuoka Citizens, Enveloped in Light Ohori Park, a place of relaxation for citizens located in…
福岡県久留米市の中心市街地を、約40万球のイルミネーションの光で彩る「第19回くるめ光の祭典 ほとめきファンタジー」が開催されます。
The Thoughts of the Townspeople Shine: Winter in Karita Town The “Karita Town Illumination” will be held again this year…
The Largest Christmas Tree in Kitakyushu Delivers Dreams and Hope At Riverwalk Kitakyushu in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, “RIVER WALK…
Aso Oura-so in Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is a mansion that retains the valuable architectural style of the Meiji era.…
Enjoy the beautiful autumn leaves at Tainshoji Temple, which enshrines the guardian deity of conception, safe childbirth, and child rearing…