“Buzen Kagura” is a traditional performing art passed down in the area from eastern Fukuoka Prefecture to northern Oita Prefecture. It is a kagura (Shinto music and dance) dedicated to pray for a bountiful harvest and freedom from disease. Its origin is said to date back to the Edo period or earlier, and it has been carefully protected and passed down by the local people over many years.
Characteristics of Buzen Kagura
- Diverse Programs: As it is called “33 Buzen Iwato Kagura,” there are diverse programs such as Shikikagura (ceremonial kagura), Kosen (Osendachi) Kagura, Yudate Kagura (hot water kagura), Ken Kagura (sword kagura), and Bon Kagura.
- Powerful Demon Dance: In the “Kosen (Osendachi)” that symbolizes Buzen Kagura, the highlight is the demon dance that shows humorous movements within the power.
- Dynamic Yudate Kagura: The “Yudate Kagura,” in which a demon climbs a pillar that exceeds 10 meters in height, is a dynamic program that is rare nationwide.
- Entertainment Value: There are many elements that will not bore you to watch, such as acrobatic movements and performances that involve the audience.
Where Can You See Buzen Kagura?
Buzen Kagura is dedicated in various locations of the former Buzen Province, such as Kitakyushu City, Buzen City, Yukuhashi City, Kanda Town, Miyako Town, Chikujo Town, Kamige Town, Yoshitomi Town in Fukuoka Prefecture, and Yabakei Town in Nakatsu City in Oita Prefecture. In particular, in Buzen City, it is passed down by six kagura groups (preservation societies), and dedications are held at shrines in some area every week from autumn to winter.
Buzen Kagura Dedication Schedule
Specific dedication schedules vary depending on the shrines and festivals in each region. It is recommended that you gather information in advance before visiting.
- Buzen Tourism Town Development Association: http://www.buzen-kk.jp/calture_kagura.html
- Buzen City Homepage: https://www.city.buzen.lg.jp/kanko/miru/bunkazai/12.html
Buzen Kagura is a traditional performing art rooted in the region, with powerful dances and diverse programs. Please come and experience its power and emotion.