The Akizuki Castle Ruins in Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is a tasteful castle town called “Chikuzen’s Little Kyoto.” In the fall, the entire castle ruins are dyed in red and yellow, and the autumn leaves around the black gate in particular are a must-see! The contrast between the historic buildings and the autumn leaves fascinates visitors. This time, we will introduce useful information for Akizuki sightseeing, such as the highlights of the autumn leaves at the Akizuki Castle Ruins, basic information, and surrounding tourist spots.
Check the Highlights of the Autumn Leaves at Akizuki Castle Ruins 🍁!
Spectacular Collaboration of the Black Gate and Autumn Leaves: The scenery of the red-dyed maple trees in the background of the “Black Gate,” the symbol of the Akizuki Castle Ruins, is unique to Akizuki. It is a beauty that convinces why many photographers and tourists visit from early in the morning. If you pass through the black gate and climb the stone steps, an even more spectacular view of the autumn leaves will spread out.
Enjoy Autumn Leaf Viewing While Strolling Through the Sugino Baba: During the autumn leaves season, stalls will line up in the Sugino Baba. You can slowly view the autumn leaves while enjoying autumn flavors such as roasted chestnuts and amazake (sweet sake).
Contrast between Autumn Leaves and Stone Walls: The contrast between the stone walls of the Akizuki Castle Ruins and the autumn leaves is also one of the highlights. The combination of the historic stone walls and the fiery autumn leaves creates a tasteful atmosphere.
Basic Information of Akizuki Castle Ruins 🍁
Item | Information |
Spot Name | Akizuki Castle Ruins |
Usual Start of Coloring | Early November |
Usual Best Viewing Period | Late November to Early December |
Autumn Leaves Festival | None |
Light Up | None |
Types of Trees with Autumn Leaves | Maple, Ginkgo |
Recommended Viewing Points | Contrast between the black gate and autumn leaves |
Time | 24 hours |
Fee | Free admission |
Contact | 0946-52-1428 Asakura City Hall Commerce, Industry and Tourism Division (Weekdays 8:30 AM – 5:15 PM) / 0946-24-6758 Asakura Tourism Association (9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Closed on Tuesdays) |
Access | Transfer from JR Kagoshima Main Line “Kiyama Station” to Amagi Railway, get off at “Amagi Station,” take Amagi sightseeing bus Akizuki Line for about 20 minutes, get off at “Hakubutsukan-mae,” about 8 minutes walk |
Parking | Available (paid) |
Official Website | Asakura Tourism Association |
Tourist Spots around Akizuki Castle Ruins
Akizuki Museum: A museum where you can learn about the history and culture of the Akizuki Castle Ruins. Special exhibitions may also be held during the autumn leaves season.
Akizuki Samurai Residences: Samurai residences from the Edo period have been preserved. You can get a glimpse of life at that time.
Tsuzuranuki: A valley located on the north side of the Akizuki Castle Ruins. It is also known as a place for autumn leaves.
The Akizuki Castle Ruins is a beautiful place where history and nature harmonize. By all means, visit the Akizuki Castle Ruins this fall and fully enjoy the autumn of the tasteful castle town.