The “Kazaharu Hachimangu River Crossing Shinko Festival,” one of Fukuoka Prefecture’s five major festivals, is held annually around the Hikosan River. This festival is registered as the first intangible folk cultural property of Fukuoka Prefecture and boasts over 470 years of history and tradition.
During the festival, two portable shrines and eleven floats, adorned with vibrant “baren” (decorations resembling tips of grain stalks), enter the Hikosan River and boldly cross the river while splashing water on each other. This breathtaking spectacle captivates all who see it.
The festival is also a place where many people gather, with numerous stalls and food vendors. You can enjoy local specialties and delicious food that can be eaten at festival stalls, ensuring a fun time.
Visiting this festival allows you to experience Fukuoka Prefecture’s culture, traditions, and the joy of festivals. Please visit the “Kazaharu Hachimangu River Crossing Shinko Festival” held around the Hikosan River.
Access Information
Date: May 20th to 21st, 2023
Location: Around the Hikosan River, Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Organizer: Kazaharu Hachimangu Shrine
Contact: Kazaharu Hachimangu Shrine Office 0947-42-1135
Related Website:
Access: 3-minute walk from Tagawa-Ita Station on the Hita-Hikosan Line.