Amagi Park (commonly known as Maruyama Park) is a park rich in nature located in Amagi Town. Within the park, there are large Sakura Pond (cherry blossom pond) and Momiji Pond (maple pond), and in spring, approximately 4,000 cherry trees and 5,000 azaleas bloom in full glory.

From summer to autumn, you can also enjoy irises and autumn leaves, with beautiful natural scenery in all seasons. There are also lush walking trails perfect for walking and jogging. Amagi Park is located between National Route 386 and the Asakura City Hall, with good transportation access.

If you visit Amagi Town, please be sure to stop by!

Access Information

Business Hours: Open all day
Closed: Open year-round
Address: 79 Amagi Bodaidera, Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Parking: Available (Free: 400 spaces)
Contact: 0946-24-6758 (Asakura City Tourism Association)
Website: Open Website