The “Tamatotori Matsuri (Tama-seseri),” held annually on January 3rd at Hakozaki Shrine in Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is a valiant festival where men in loincloths scramble to grab a wooden ball said to bring good fortune. It is known as one of Hakata’s unique festivals.

What is Tamatotori Matsuri?

Tamatotori Matsuri is a traditional event that has been passed down since ancient times at Hakozaki Shrine. Two groups, the land side and the sea side, compete to obtain a wooden ball said to ward off evil and misfortune and bestow good fortune upon those who touch it. The fierce scramble is full of vigor and attracts many spectators every year.

This scramble also has the significance of divining the fortunes of the year. It is said that if the land side raises the ball, there will be a bountiful harvest, and if the sea side raises the ball, there will be a rich catch of fish.

Highlights of Tamatotori Matsuri

  • Thrilling scramble: The sight of men in loincloths scrambling for the ball is truly breathtaking!
  • Testing your luck for the year: Whether the land side or the sea side raises the ball is said to determine whether there will be a bountiful harvest or a rich catch of fish that year.
  • Traditional Shinto ritual: Tamatotori Matsuri is a Shinto ritual to pray for a bountiful harvest, a great catch of fish, and the peace of the nation.

Basic Information on Tamatotori Matsuri

DateJanuary 3rd
LocationHakozaki Shrine (1-22-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture)
Phone Number092-641-7431 (Hakozaki Shrine Office)
AccessApproximately an 8-minute walk from JR Hakozaki Station.<br> Approximately a 3-minute walk from Hakozaki-Miyamae Subway Station (Exit 1)
ParkingApproximately 200 spaces


Hakata’s unique festival, “Tamatotori Matsuri,” is the perfect festival to test your luck in the New Year. Please experience the excitement of the scene firsthand.