The “Isa Dragon Cup” dragon boat race will be held during Golden Week at the Hishikari Garappa Kingdom. This race is organized by the local group “Kappa,” and 80 teams participate on a clear stream.

This race, organized by “Kappa,” which aims to revitalize the town of Hishikari through youth development activities and events, is also popular as a place for exchange and is bustling with many tourists.

Please enjoy the dragon boat race in the water and greenery-rich town of Hishikari.

Access Information

Event Date and TimeApril 30, 2023 Opening Ceremony / 8:30 AM~
LocationHishikari Canoe Stadium, Isa City, Kagoshima Prefecture
OrganizerIsa City Dragon Boat Race Executive Committee
ContactIsa City Culture and Sports Division 0995-26-1578
AccessApproximately 20 minutes by car from Kurino Station on the Hisatsu Line