At Mekari Shrine, known for its “Mekari Shinto Ritual,” a designated intangible cultural property of Fukuoka Prefecture, the shrine bustles with visitors making their first shrine visit in the New Year for the first three days of the new year, praying for traffic safety, maritime safety, family safety, health, and safe childbirth.

Access Information

Dates: January 1, 2023 onwards <We are calling for staggered shrine visits to avoid the first three days of the new year.>
Office Hours: New Year’s Eve/11:00 PM to Jan 1/7:00 PM, Jan 2-3/8:00 AM to 7:00 PM *The grounds are open at all times.
Location: 3492 Moji, Moji-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture 801-0855
Contact: Mekari Shrine 093-321-0749
Access: From Mojiko Station on the Kagoshima Main Line, take the bus bound for “Mekari” and get off at “Mekari Jinja”
