The Seaside Kamome Market, an event held in the Mojiko Retro district of Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is a marché that sells handmade crafts and antiques.
Event Information
Venue: Mojiko Retro Central Plaza, in front of the Dalian Friendship Memorial Hall
Contact: acud.
TEL: 070-2667-1337
Note: Held rain or shine, canceled in case of severe weather
At the Seaside Kamome Market, approximately 100 vendors display their prized goods. You can browse original accessories,雑貨, vintage clothing, furniture and more, while enjoying the sea view. In the food corner, you can also enjoy local gourmet food and sweets.
The Seaside Kamome Market is an event that further enhances the charm of Mojiko Retro. Please come and visit.