Hiraodai, which extends across the Kitakyushu Quasi-National Park, is known as one of Japan’s leading karst plateaus. The unique scenery created by limestone and the diverse flora and fauna that inhabit it provide visitors with a sense of the mystery and wonder of nature. The “Hiraodai Nature Observation Center” is a place where you can deepen your understanding of the nature of Hiraodai and experience its charm.
Highlights of the Hiraodai Nature Observation Center
- Learn about the Karst Topography: The formation of Hiraodai and the characteristics of karst topography are explained in an easy-to-understand manner in the exhibits.
- Encounter with Flora and Fauna: You can learn about the various flora and fauna that inhabit Hiraodai through photographs and specimens.
- 360-Degree Panoramic View: You can enjoy a panoramic view of the great nature of Hiraodai from the observation deck. The sunset view is especially breathtaking.
- Nature Experience Events: Nature observation tours and workshops are held regularly. You can experience the nature of Hiraodai in more depth while listening to explanations from experts.
Basic Information
- Name: Hiraodai Nature Observation Center
- Location: 1-4-40 Hiraodai, Kokuraminami Ward, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
- Access: Approximately 40 minutes by bus from JR Kokura Station, or approximately 30 minutes by car
- Opening Hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Closed Days: Every Tuesday (or the following day if Tuesday is a public holiday), Year-end and New Year holidays
- Admission Fee: Free
- Phone Number: 093-453-3737
- Official Website: http://hiraodai.jp/hnoc/
The Hiraodai Nature Observation Center is a spot where you can fully experience the charm of the karst plateau. If you want to touch the mystery of nature and feel the pulse of the earth, please be sure to visit. It will surely be an unforgettable memory.