“Narinaga Kagura,” a traditional performing art passed down in Kamige Town, Fukuoka Prefecture. The kagura (Shinto music and dance), which began in the Meiji era, was once discontinued, but was revived by the enthusiasm of local residents, and is characterized by its powerful dance.
History of Narinaga Kagura
Narinaga Kagura was started in the mid-Meiji era by the “Narinaga Kagura Group,” which was formed mainly by Tsuneyuki Hirai. However, due to war and changes in the times, there was a shortage of successors, and it was discontinued once in the early Showa era.
After about 45 years, the “Kagura Appreciation Society” was formed by local young people in 1980, and Narinaga Kagura was revived. Today, as the “Narinaga Kagura Preservation Society,” it continues to pass down the traditional dance.
Characteristics of Narinaga Kagura
Narinaga Kagura is characterized by its particularly powerful dance, even among the kagura in the Buzen region. Its brave appearance overwhelms the viewers and draws them into the world of kagura.
The repertoire consists of 33 pieces, including 12 Shiki Kagura and Honno Kagura (dedication kagura). Some of the traditional pieces have been adapted to a modern style.
Narinaga Kagura Dedication Schedule
Location | Date | Dedication Time | Notes |
Yoshitomi Shrine | October 21 | 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM |
- Car: Turn south at the “Oonose” intersection on National Route 10, and go about 200m along the road, it will be on your right.
- JR: Get off at JR Yoshitomi Station or Nakatsu Station, and take a taxi for about 20 minutes.
Narinaga Kagura is a traditional performing art with a powerful dance, revived by the enthusiasm of local residents. When you visit Kamige Town, be sure to experience its powerful dance.