Orihata Shrine, located on the cape of Kanasaki in Munakata City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is a historic shrine affectionately known as “Shikihan-sama” by the locals. It is located at the summit of Mount Sayagata, and after climbing a long staircase, you will find a superb view of the Genkai Sea.

The main enshrined deity of Orihata Shrine is Takeuchi no Sukune, who supported Empress Jingu and led the expedition to the Three Hans to victory. A legend also remains that the military flags of Empress Jingu’s expedition to Korea were woven in this area.


  • Superb View of the Genkai Sea: After climbing the long staircase, there is a scenic spot with a panoramic view of the blue sea and sky.
  • Kutsutsuka: The Kutsutsuka, where the legend remains that Takeuchi no Sukune ascended to heaven leaving his kutsu (footwear). It is a spot that makes you feel the historical romance.
  • Legend of the Sunken Bell: There was once a legend that a foreign bell had sunk into the sea. The giant stone that was salvaged in 1919 is still enshrined on the approach to the shrine.
  • Chinsho Park & Ama Statue: In Chinsho Park, which has been developed within the precincts, there is a statue of an ama (female diver).
  • Podocarpus Macrophyllus Primeval Forest: The Podocarpus Macrophyllus primeval forest, designated as a natural monument of Fukuoka Prefecture, creates a mystical atmosphere.

Basic Information

Address224 Kanasakimisaki, Munakata City, Fukuoka Prefecture 811-3512
Phone Number0940-36-0037 (Munakata City Industrial Policy Division)
Business HoursFree to visit
AccessPublic Transportation: About 30 minutes by Nishitetsu Bus from JR “Togo Station” or “Akama Station” Car: About 5 minutes by car from Kanasaki Fishing Port

Orihata Shrine is an attractive spot where you can enjoy history, nature, and a superb view all at once. Please visit and feel its power.