Kinuhoshi Shrine, located in Kanda Town, Kyoto District, Fukuoka Prefecture, is a historic shrine founded around the end of the Kofun period, approximately 1400 years ago. A legend remains that Princess Yamatohime, who appears in Japanese mythology, dried her clothes here, and even now it is deeply revered by the local people. In this article, we will introduce the charm of Kinuhoshi Shrine, which is colored by such history and nature.
Historic History and Legend
The foundation of Kinuhoshi Shrine dates back to the end of the Kofun period. A legend remains that Princess Yamatohime, who also appears in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), dried her clothes at this place, and it is said that the shrine was named “Kinuhoshi Shrine” after this story. Behind the shrine is a place called “Misokake Matsu” (the pine tree where clothing was hung), and there used to be a legendary pine tree where Princess Yamatohime hung her wet clothes to dry.
Highlights of Kinuhoshi Shrine
- Main Hall and Worship Hall: They have a dignified appearance that makes you feel the history.
- Misokake Matsu Ruins: Although a stone monument now stands, you can recall the past.
- Yamatohime Shrine: A small shrine dedicated to Princess Yamatohime.
- Goshoyama: A small hill where Princess Yamatohime is said to have rested. At the top of the hill, there is the remains of “Mashio no Izumi” (Monkey King Spring), where Princess Yamatohime is said to have drunk water.
- Shiraishi Coast: A shallow beach that spreads out at the foot of Goshoyama. In summer, it is crowded as a swimming beach.
It is said that Kinuhoshi Shrine has the following benefits:
- Family Safety: People visit to pray for family harmony and the health of their families.
- Maritime Safety: Because the Suo Sea spreads nearby, it is worshipped by those involved in the fishing industry.
- Matchmaking: In connection with the legend of Princess Yamatohime, many women visit to pray for a good match.
- Protection from Evil: People who are in a critical age or who wish to pray for protection from disasters visit.
Basic Information
Item | Content |
Name | Kinuhoshi Shrine |
Address | Oaza Shiraishi, Kanda Town, Kyoto District, Fukuoka Prefecture |
Deified Spirit | Princess Yamatohime |
Benefits | Family Safety, Maritime Safety, Matchmaking, Protection from Evil |
Regular Festivals | Spring Festival: April 29, Autumn Festival: October 29 |
Access | About a 20-minute walk from JR Nippo Main Line “Kanda Station” About a 5-minute walk from the Taiyo Kotsu Bus “Shiraishi Jinja-mae” bus stop |
Kinuhoshi Shrine is a historic shrine with a legend of Princess Yamatohime, and it is also a healing spot surrounded by rich nature. Please visit once and experience its sacred atmosphere.