The “Tagawa Tanko-Bushi Festival,” held every year in November in Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is an event overflowing with the heat and energy unique to the birthplace of the Tanko-Bushi (coal mining song). As a festival that conveys the history of coal mining to the present day, it is visited not only by local people but also by many tourists. In this article, we will introduce the charm of the Tagawa Tanko-Bushi Festival without reservation.

The Spirit Contained in the Tanko-Bushi

The Tanko-Bushi is a folk song that used to sing about the lives and feelings of people working in coal mines. Its lyrics depict the figures of people living bravely in harsh working environments. The Tagawa Tanko-Bushi Festival is a valuable opportunity to pass on the history and culture of Tagawa, which prospered in coal mining, through the Tanko-Bushi to future generations.

Full of Highlights! Highlights of the Festival

  • Tanko-Bushi Sodori (General Dance): The general dance that decorates the climax of the festival. The sight of people of all ages and genders dancing in unison to the light rhythm of the Tanko-Bushi is overwhelming.
  • Stage Events: You can enjoy various stage events such as local traditional performing arts and music concerts.
  • Gourmet Food Stalls: Local specialties and delicious gourmet food are all gathered together. They further enhance the festive atmosphere.
  • Fireworks Display: Fireworks that color the night sky gorgeously decorate the finale of the festival.

Fully Enjoying the Coal Mining Town, Tagawa

The Tagawa City Coal Mining Memorial Park, which is the venue for the Tagawa Tanko-Bushi Festival, exhibits materials and remains related to coal mining, where you can learn about the history of coal mining. In addition, there are also spots that retain the appearance of coal mining, such as coal mining residences and double chimneys, scattered around the area. Please also enjoy sightseeing in Tagawa along with the festival.

Basic Information

DurationEvery year in November
VenueTagawa City Coal Mining Memorial Park
AccessAbout a 15-minute walk from JR Tagawa-Ita Station
Official WebsiteTAGAWA Coal Mine Festival Tanko-Bushi Festival

The Tagawa Tanko-Bushi Festival is a wonderful event where you can experience the history and culture of coal mining and feel the warmth of the local people. Please visit once and experience its charm. The heat and coal mining spirit intersect! The Tagawa Tanko-Bushi Festival
The “Tagawa Tanko-Bushi Festival,” held every year in November in Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is an event overflowing with the heat and energy unique to the birthplace of the Tanko-Bushi (coal mining song). As a festival that conveys the history of coal mining to the present day, it is visited not only by local people but also by many tourists. In this article, we will introduce the charm of the Tagawa Tanko-Bushi Festival without reservation.

The Spirit Contained in the Tanko-Bushi

The Tanko-Bushi is a folk song that used to sing about the lives and feelings of people working in coal mines. Its lyrics depict the figures of people living bravely in harsh working environments. The Tagawa Tanko-Bushi Festival is a valuable opportunity to pass on the history and culture of Tagawa, which prospered in coal mining, through the Tanko-Bushi to future generations.

Full of Highlights! Highlights of the Festival

  • Tanko-Bushi Sodori (General Dance): The general dance that decorates the climax of the festival. The sight of people of all ages and genders dancing in unison to the light rhythm of the Tanko-Bushi is overwhelming.
  • Stage Events: You can enjoy various stage events such as local traditional performing arts and music concerts.
  • Gourmet Food Stalls: Local specialties and delicious gourmet food are all gathered together. They further enhance the festive atmosphere.
  • Fireworks Display: Fireworks that color the night sky gorgeously decorate the finale of the festival.

Fully Enjoying the Coal Mining Town, Tagawa

The Tagawa City Coal Mining Memorial Park, which is the venue for the Tagawa Tanko-Bushi Festival, exhibits materials and remains related to coal mining, where you can learn about the history of coal mining. In addition, there are also spots that retain the appearance of coal mining, such as coal mining residences and double chimneys, scattered around the area. Please also enjoy sightseeing in Tagawa along with the festival.

Basic Information

DurationEvery year in November
VenueTagawa City Coal Mining Memorial Park
AccessAbout a 15-minute walk from JR Tagawa-Ita Station
Official WebsiteTAGAWA Coal Mine Festival Tanko-Bushi Festival

The Tagawa Tanko-Bushi Festival is a wonderful event where you can experience the history and culture of coal mining and feel the warmth of the local people. Please visit once and experience its charm.