Kitakyushu City, which once supported Japanese industry as a “city of iron.” The factory night view created by its history now boasts one of the best beauty in Japan. The lights of the factory groups that emerge in the dark night are like a scene from a science fiction movie. This time, we will introduce the charm of the “Kitakyushu Factory Night View Cruise” that invites you into such a fantastic world.

Art of Light, Cultivated by History

Kitakyushu City is an industrial city that once led the modernization of Japan. This city, where steelworks and chemical plants line up, emits countless lights at night and creates a fantastic landscape. Its beauty is so great that it has been selected as one of the “Three New Major Night View Cities in Japan.” On the factory night view cruise, you can enjoy this art of light up close.

Cruising Full of Highlights

The cruise ship departs from Kokura Port or Moji Port. You can enjoy various factory night views while cruising the Hibikinada Sea and Dokai Bay. What you can’t miss is the Nippon Steel’s factory group. Huge plants are illuminated by orange lights, giving off an overwhelming presence. Also, the moment you pass under the Wakato Bridge, which is brightly lit in red, is one of the highlights of the cruise.

Enjoy the Contrast Between Darkness and Light

The charm of the factory night view lies not only in the light but also in the contrast with the darkness. After passing through the Wakato Bridge, your field of vision is enveloped in pitch-black darkness. It’s as if you are drifting in space. Then the lights of the factory group reappear. The emotion of that moment cannot be expressed in words.

Night View Navigators Color Your Trip

A night view navigator accompanies you on the cruise ship. They will explain the history and highlights of the factory, so you can enjoy the night view more deeply. Their lighthearted talk is sure to enhance the trip.

Basic Information

NameKitakyushu Factory Night View Cruise
LocationKitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Access[Departure from Kokura Port] The boarding point for the municipal ferry (to Majima and Ainoshima) is about an 8-minute walk from the JR “Kokura Station” Shinkansen Exit [Departure from Moji Port] The boarding point for the Kanmon Ferry is about a 3-minute walk from JR “Mojiko Station”
Operating PeriodApril to September: Departure at 7:00 PM / October to March: Departure at 6:30 PM
FeesAdults: 2,500 yen / Elementary school students: 1,250 yen
Address[Departure from Kokura Port] 3-9-1 Asano, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture / [Departure from Moji Port] 1-4-1 Nishikaigan, Moji Ward, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Official Website


The Kitakyushu Factory Night View Cruise is a tour where you can fully enjoy the charm of the factory night view. The fantastic world created by light and shadow captivates visitors. Please come and experience the superb view for yourself. It is sure to become an unforgettable memory.