Yasaka Shrine, located in Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is a historic shrine established in 1617 by Tadaoki Hosokawa, the lord of the Kokura Domain. As the guardian shrine of Kokura, it is affectionately known as “Gion-san” by the locals. It enshrines two Gion deities, which are rare nationwide, and is an attractive spot where history and culture come alive.
Kokura Gion Drum: A Summer Tradition
The “Kokura Gion Drum,” held every year in July, is a summer festival representing Kitakyushu, with a history of over 300 years as a festival of Yasaka Shrine. The heroic sound of the drums resonates throughout the city, and it is crowded with many people. The gorgeous floats and the appearance of dancers dressed in colorful costumes are also highlights.
Stone Torii Gate Telling History: Fukuoka Prefecture Designated Cultural Property
The stone torii gate of Yasaka Shrine is a Fukuoka Prefecture Designated Cultural Property that is said to have been built in the Muromachi period. The imposing torii gate made of granite is characterized by its three-tiered structure of the upper horizontal beam called the kasagi, and the fact that it is made from a single stone. It stands on the road leading from Kokura Castle to Yasaka Shrine and welcomes worshipers.
Basic Information of Yasaka Shrine
Item | Information |
Location | 2-2 Jonai, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture 803-0813 |
Phone Number | 093-561-0753 |
Access | Approximately 10 minutes walk from JR Nishi-Kokura Station |
Parking | None (There is a pay parking lot nearby) |
Benefits | Business prosperity, protection from evil, matchmaking, etc. |
Regular Festival | 3 days starting from the 3rd Friday of July |
Viewing Hours | Free to visit the grounds |
Viewing Fee | Free |
Yasaka Shrine is an attractive shrine where history and culture come alive. Please visit it when you visit Kokura. You will be able to spend a peaceful time by worshiping the two Gion deities and viewing the historic stone torii gate. In the summer, it is also recommended to experience the local culture while feeling the excitement of the Kokura Gion Drum.