The “Kanda Yamakasa,” held annually in Kanda Town, Fukuoka Prefecture, is a valiant festival counted as one of the three major Yamakasa festivals in Kyushu. The “Fighting Yamakasa,” where 15-meter-high Yamakasa fiercely collide, is truly a spectacle! Furthermore, it is also known as a rare Yamakasa that changes its appearance three times during the festival period, and its changes are not to be missed.
Highlights of Kanda Yamakasa
Thrilling Fighting Yamakasa:
- The “Fighting Yamakasa,” which decorates the climax of the festival, is a valiant and thrilling sight where 14 Yamakasa fiercely collide.
- The fierce collisions where they push against each other’s Yamakasa, sometimes even knocking them down, overwhelm the viewers.
Yamakasa that Changes Three Times:
- Kanda Yamakasa is a rare Yamakasa that changes its appearance three times during the festival period.
- It starts as a fantastical “Light Yamakasa” decorated with 224 lanterns, then changes to a gorgeous “Flag Yamakasa” with fluttering banners, and finally, at the climax of the festival, it changes to a valiant “Rock Yamakasa” with dolls decorated against a backdrop of rocks.
- Please enjoy the unique charm of each appearance.
Colorful Festival Scenery:
- The sight of 14 colorful 15-meter-high Yamakasa parading through the town is truly magnificent.
- The enthusiasm of the carriers wearing unique happi coats from each district further enhances the festival.
Event Information
Item | Information |
Address | 1-19-1 Tomikucho, Kanda-machi, Kyoto-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture 800-0352 (Kanda Town Hall Parking) |
Phone Number | 093-434-5560 (Kanda Town Development and Tourism Association) |
Event Dates | ・Bell Ringing Ceremony: September 22, 2024 (Sun) |
・Light Yamakasa: September 28 (Sat) | |
・Light Yamakasa: September 29 (Sun) | |
Venue: JR Kanda Station, Kanda Town Hall Parking | |
・October 1, 2024 (Tue): Light Yamakasa in each district | |
・October 5, 2024 (Sat): Shiokaki at Kanda Station | |
・October 6, 2024 (Sun): Grand Festival | |
Opening Hours | *Please check the official website for details |
Parking | None |
Access | Approximately 10 minutes walk from JR Nippo Main Line “Kanda Station” |
To the Kanda Yamakasa Full of Enthusiasm and Excitement!
Kanda Yamakasa is a festival full of history and tradition, with the valiant “Fighting Yamakasa” and the beautiful Yamakasa that changes its appearance three times. Please visit Kanda Town this autumn and feel the enthusiasm and excitement firsthand!