Futsukaichi Hachimangu Shrine, located in Chikushino City next to Dazaifu City, is known for having many ginkgo trees planted on its grounds. Among them, the “Ginkgo biloba” tree, which is said to be over 1000 years old, is also designated as a natural monument of Fukuoka Prefecture, and it turns golden every autumn, attracting many tourists.
Overwhelming Presence, Shining in Golden Color
The Ginkgo biloba tree is located in the center of the grounds of Futsukaichi Hachimangu Shrine. With a tree height of about 25m and a trunk circumference of about 10m, its presence is truly overwhelming. In the fall, the leaves turn golden, creating a scene as if a golden carpet has been laid.
The Illuminated Ginkgo biloba Tree is also a Must-See
The Ginkgo biloba tree is lit up at night. Watching the Ginkgo biloba tree shining in golden color in a fantastic atmosphere is truly a blissful moment.
Ginkgo biloba Festival is also Held
Every year in November, the “Ginkgo biloba Festival” is held. Various events such as koto and taiko performances, and sales of local gourmet food are held.
- About 3 minutes walk from JR Kagoshima Main Line Futsukaichi Station
- About 7 minutes walk from Nishitetsu Futsukaichi (West Exit) and Nishitetsu Murasaki Stations
The Ginkgo biloba tree at Futsukaichi Hachimangu Shrine in Fukuoka attracts many people with its overwhelming presence and golden beauty. When you visit Fukuoka in the fall, why not visit it?